3 winners for the Yearbook Competition

8 June 2017News, Uncategorized

For the first time this year, a competition was introduced for classes in Primary, Lower Secondary and Upper Secondary to recognise the best class projects on this year’s theme – Time Travel.

The first selection of projects was done by students at different levels on the different campuses and the best projects were voted by the Yearbook Committee comprising Secondary students and FIS staff.

The winners received a certificate this week and enjoyed a class tea party in their honour. The yearbook will also highlight this year’s first prize winners:

  • CM2A (Aude Antomori) –Primary
  • 6ème C (Tristan Pennel) –Lower Secondary
  • 2nde D (Nathalie Wicart) –Upper Secondary

The Yearbook will be distributed the week of 12 June at different campuses to those students who have ordered it. Your order will be given to your eldest child directly in class for Primary and should be collected from Vie Scolaire for Secondary. 

Well done everybody! 

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