Jérôme Guerville

French stream parent

Four of my children have attended or are now attending FIS. Alexandre and Julian studied on the JL and CW campuses, then moved to BPR. And now Hiroki is in CP and Akira in MS, both on JL campus.
Having seen my two eldest grow into young adults during their ten years at FIS, I am now doing the school thing a second time around, this time with my two youngest children.
Why did you choose FIS?

Back in 2010, I chose FIS because it provided continuity with my children’s education in France and Japan. The ability to pursue a curriculum recognised by the French Ministry of Education offers comfort and security to expats who may one day return to France or live abroad somewhere else, like London or New York.
When it came to Hiroki and Akira, we chose FIS for quite different reasons. We had seen their two eldest brothers thrive here and wanted that for them too.

What is your favourite thing about FIS?

FIS has demonstrated that it can teach the French national curriculum while also preparing our children to work in an international environment. My two eldest are flourishing in their studies in the UK. They have friends from all four corners of the globe yet also appreciate their French roots.
More recently, I have been able to see the primary school teachers’ hard work during the pandemic. I appreciate the efforts they have made to be creative, in order to motivate our children in this unprecedented situation, with both teachers and students working from behind their screens. Hats off to them.

What is your children’s favourite thing about FIS?

Alexandre and Julian are particularly grateful for the invaluable advice and help they received when choosing their university studies in Terminale. The university guidance team were great. Now they are both studying degrees that suit them, and their ambitions, to a tee.
As for Hiroki and Akira, they are just happy to go to school, see their friends and their teachers. You simply need to see how eager they are to put on their uniform to know they feel good at FIS.

Do you have a highlight or story about FIS that would you like to share?

With encouragement and training from their teachers, Alexandre, Julian and two friends took part in the HKUST-Orange Hackathon, coming in third place. Over the three days, they worked under pressure for more than 12 hours a day, learning to develop their creativity, collaborate, take on board expert advice and present their work. This gave my sons an appreciation of hard work and a taste for entrepreneurship.

How has FIS helped your children grow?

Choosing the French stream ensures in-depth study of the French language and culture, while introducing our children to the language of Shakespeare and preparing them to pursue university studies in the English-speaking world. FIS has encouraged my children to develop their curiosity and their enthusiasm for learning. They are passionate about what they are studying, keen to live abroad while also happy to find their feet in France.

If you had to describe FIS in just three words, what would they be?
Curiosity Openness   Demanding


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