An information session about the future Tseung Kwan O project was held on Monday 20 February. A display showing the architecture of the campus and discussions organised after the presentation gave parents the chance to ask questions and talk with the Project Team.
The meeting started with an update on the construction progress by Mr Jean-Yves Coulot, Member of the Development Committee and Director of the FIS Board. Construction of the new campus is in line with original plans for opening in September 2018. Take a look at the most recent site developments in the presentation on the right hand side. The amazing TKO 3D film offers and impressive virtual tours of the future campus!
The Headmaster, Mr Soulard, the presented an outline of the pedagogical project at Tseung Kwan O. This project for Primary, nicknamed “High Five”, and especially its ‘villa’ concept was very well received by parents. The project will allow for collaboration between classes of the same year while respecting the curricula of the different streams (National French Curriculum for the French Stream – English National Curriculum for the International Stream). Via a morning assembly, specific projects and themed workshops, students from the same level will have a chance to meet up and learn, discover and share in one language or another; a policy of bilingualism through immersion. It will also be a chance for students to practice expressing themselves in public and building a group identity.
This project will be introduced gradually starting in 2018 – 2019 with the younger classes (MS, GS and CP in the French Stream and Reception, Y1 and Y2 in the International Stream) and the progressing year by year as this level moves up school. The introduction of this pedagogical project will therefore be complete in 2022 – 2023.
Find out more about the pedagogical project in the presentation on the right hand side.