Young Founders Enterprise Day

14 March 2017News, Uncategorized

On Friday 24th February 7 students from FIS, from both Year 10 and Year 12, attended the Young Founder’s Enterprise Day, held at the ICC. It was a full day starting at 8am with participating students put into groups and then both listening to existing entrepreneurs give their experience and advice of taking an idea to fruition, as well as then putting together and pitching their own start-up idea at the end of the day. Selected participants would then be invited to a weekend enterprise camp, with a cash prize on offer to help the winning start-up idea.

“The young founder’s school ideation day was full of a wide range of activities that opened my mind. My favourite workshop was the presentation of the app ‘gweek’ as this gave me advice for public speaking”. Frederic Year 12

“YFS Ideation day was certainly inspiring for young adults who aspire to be entrepreneurs. Participants got to meet different entrepreneurs who shared their products and stories. Furthermore, teachers and volunteers of the event helped us develop our understanding of entrepreneurial decision making and coming up with new ideas”. Melvin Year 12

“If I had to use a few words to describe Ideation Day, I would use the words: informative, creative and exciting. This experience has allowed me to understand the thought process of creating your own idea, and it has enlarged my creativity. Throughout the day, I made new friends, and I became more confident”. Celia Year 10

“I found the day more than interesting as I discovered a new world where you were taught to take any idea further and develop it. I loved the atmosphere and listening to others’ ideas as well as listening to actual entrepreneurs who had succeeded in a domain. I recommend that workshop to future students who show interest in the subject”. Dimitri Year 12

“A great opportunity to hear inspiring experiences from successful entrepreneurs. I’ve learnt that one should start a business because he/she wants to start something new or make a change, not because he/she solely want to start a business and make profit. Through the pitching training, I realized how difficult it is to come up with a good idea and actually make it come true”. Yvonne Year10

“In the Ideation Day, we were able to listen to entrepreneurs talk about their experiences and we were taught how to pitch an idea.  We were also given the chance to work as a team with students from other schools to come up with a business idea. I thought this was a great experience and I’m glad I took part”. Mayumi Year 10

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