Visit to the “Lai Sun” correctional facility

4 May 2017News, Uncategorized

The island is 1.93km sq and its south west serves as a typhoon shelter.

In 1974, the entire island was handed over to the Correctional Services Department of Hong Kong and 4 prisons are located there today.

Lai Sun Correctional Facility was established in 1984 and houses 164 young offenders sentenced for breaking drugs laws. Only individuals with authorization from the government’s prison service can visit the island.

After a guided tour, students met the inmates; they learned about the disastrous consequences of drugs abuse and found out that despite imprisonment, residents have access to life projects.

Meetings then free time with a visit to a zoo which is home to smuggled animals which cannot be returned to the wild. 

This visit was arranged in conjunction with the French Consulate and the Hong Kong police; it is part of the civic and moral education programme and the health and well-being programme for this year.

During the visit, students met and talked with the staff who introduced them to the facility.  

Students’ thoughts:

“I learnt lots during this day. Even if the rules are strict, this facility puts people back on the right track”

“I found the inmate’s testimony very touching; the way in which rehabilitation has allowed him to get back in touch with his family and his realization that those he though were his friends, are not …”

 “In my head, I imagined myself in the place of these inmates and it was horrible. This has impacted me enormously ….”

“This visit allowed us to see how inmates are rehabilitated and reconnect with the outside world.  It made us think about illegal practices.”

“I really like this visit because it allowed us to see another side of Hong Kong. It also opened our eyes to the consequences of being involved with drugs.”

For the students, this visit raised different emotions from fear, sadness, nervousness to discomfort with a sense of inaccessibility but was also instructive, unforgettable and impressive.

Everybody was impacted by this experience and we hope that the message about the dangers of taking drugs have been heard …

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