An FIS student in CM2 wins the AEFE photo competition!

13 June 2017News, Uncategorized

Following the launch of this “Asian Countries in pictures and words” competition at the end of 2016 with the theme “faces and emotions”, the jury comprising Mrs Servane Gandais, Attaché for Educational & Linguistics Affairs at the Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and Macau; Mrs Rebuffet-Liu, librarian for 6ème-5ème; Mrs Tatiana Boyer, FIS Parent Representative and Mr Christian Soulard, Headmaster, selected three award winning works from the Asia Pacific Region finalists:

  1. First Prize: Aliénor PABIOT, CM2 student from French International School of Hong Kong
  2. Second Prize : Remi CHEN, Terminale student from French International School of Beijing
  3. Third Prize : Julie OZIOL, 1ere S student from French International School of Singapore

Participation levels in the competition were high once again this year from schools in the Region: Bali, Bangkok, Hong Kong, Jakarta, Kyoto, Pékin, Rangoun, Shanghai, Singapour

Take a look at the photos chosen here

Congratulations everyone!

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