After an engrossing preliminary session of Mind Over Matter – Hong Kong Inter School Quiz, the top six teams made it through to the finals. Faced with questions such as
“Which animal produces milk which is higher in protein than cow’s milk and could feed the global population?” (Cockroach)
“Which Asian capital city is the lowest, has 4 letters and hosts a Formula 1 race?” (Baku)
Ryan Ning (Yr9), Akash Rajesh (Yr10), and Matthew Dai (Yr11) out-quizzed many Year 12 and 13 students to reach the final against Island School. When both teams managed to reach 139 points, a nerve racking last buzzer tie-breaker saw Island School pip FIS to the post.
Congratulations Ryan, Akash and Matthew whose impressive performance against students 3 – 4 years their senior leaves us hoping they will take part in Mind Over Matter 2018!
Read the SCMP Young Post article about this event here.