Congratulations to Madeline in Year 10 who has been awarded the Diploma of the London College of Music in Performance (Recital) with distinction. Madeline now has the right to use the letters DipLCM – very impressive. She was presented with the Diploma by Professor Peter John, Vice-chancellor of the University of West London.
“Music has been a huge part of my life—11 years to be exact. I was four when I took my first piano lesson, and it’s been my passion ever since.
I have recently reached a milestone in my music studies by attaining the DipLCM which is a Diploma from the London College of Music, in Pianoforte Performance (Recital) with upper approve (distinction) this summer. This diploma was awarded by the University of West London and administered by the London College of Music Examinations. The exam provides a rigorous assessment of the quality and skill required by a professional musician; tremendous preparations have preceded the day of the exam as well as a considerable commitment of time and energy.
There’s a saying that success is built upon failures, and I believe that is very true. My music career hasn’t been an entirely smooth journey; there have been one or two bumps along the road, but I learned from my past mistakes and didn’t give up, and I think this is the key to any sort of success.
Overall, this stringent training process has not only fostered my internal fortitude for a flawless performance but also spurred me on to meet the impending challenges in life.”