The students worked together in groups of four to undertake three different challenges all related to scientific concepts which they have touched upon in class.
The main goals and aims of the day were to encourage and develop an interest in science while also developing their teamwork.
In between challenges the students took “classes” on the two activities in order to help prepare them for the day. Within these lessons the students learned about the related forced like air resistance and friction which they then applied to their construction.
Other aims included to understand the importance of thinking innovatively not only in science but also in school and life in general and finally to have fun!
Students started off the day by first taking part in a paper tower challenge as a preliminary team-building activity, where students were not allowed to use tape or glue and had to build the tallest tower they could out of paper.
The day comprised two challenges; an egg drop and a car challenge.
For the egg drop challenge students had to build a capsule that would safely protect their egg from a roughly 6 metre drop. The students worked excellently together and surprisingly 10 of the 12 eggs survived the drop.
Next teams had to work together to construct a car which was then rolled down a ramp. All teams successfully built a car with working wheels and a body for the car. Some teams showed great creativity by deflating a balloon to propel their car forward. One of the teams even propelled their car for over 3 metres.
Prizes were awarded to many different teams for their skill in particular activities throughout the day. The main prize was an overall first place taking into account the decisions, collaboration and skill during all the activities. There were also prizes for the most sustainable for the team which used the least amount of materials over the course of the day. Another prize was awarded to the most innovative team due to their original ideas and creativity.
Finally we had 2 awards, one for the overall egg drop winners and the other for the overall car challenge winners.
by Jasper P., Eddie W. et Layla S.