Plastic Pollution has become one of the most pressing environmental issues at local and global scale. The rocketing consumption of single-use plastics and the throwaway culture are major culprits. In light of this, the Environmental Campaign Committee, the Environmental Protection Department and the Education Bureau have jointly launched the No Disposables Campus Award under the 17th Hong Kong Green School Award in the 2018/19 school year, with WWF-Hong Kong appointed as the technical consultant.
At FIS, all our four campuses have been awarded the “Good Award” category. While we are glad with the recognition, there are certainly areas that we can improve on. The next immediate goal is to go single-plastic free in future school fairs, for example by encouraging parents and students to bring their own containers and cutlery to reduce disposable ones when purchasing from food vendors.
On the pedagogic side, sustainability is embedded in the curriculum. We have a mission to educate the younger generations about responsible citizenship and we can help raise awareness within both our school and the local communities. This is why FIS, along with three local and international schools (Po Leung Kuk Laws Foundation College, Lingnan University Alumni Association (Hong Kong) Primary School, Island School Sha Tin Wai campus), is participating in the collaborative Ocean3C-EDU program whose aim is to educate students on environmental issues and empower them to make a difference by taking action.
The 1st joint meeting together with local NGO EcoDrive will take place on our TKO campus on 23rd October when 6e LCE students will spend a morning sharing information and ideas on how best to tackle the problem of plastic pollution and hopefully come up with practical plans to create positive changes.
By involving different parties we aim to build tangible solutions. Whether you are a teacher, parent or student, get in touch ( to find out how you can join forces to create a greener school community at FIS.