Outstanding Alum – Diane Magnin!
My name is Diane Magnin! I recently returned to Hong Kong after a long COVID hiatus. I am a former FIS student (from Petite Section to Terminale!), graduating in 2015. I was a pioneer of the first OIB cohort, under the tutelage of Mrs Rowley (who is still an academic hurricane and a creative and talented force), Ms Mc Carthy (an absolute brilliant teacher and careers guidance counsellor – who is never wrong, and Mr Whitehurst (an absolute legend!) How lucky was I?
I have since received a Bachelor’s of Arts and Science at University College London and a Masters of Computer Science at the University of Oxford. On a whim, I applied to the European Space Agency’s traineeship programme, and landed the job, so have been pursing a career in the space industry! I have since applied for and been offered a job in the same team as a Junior Professional in Software Engineering at ESA. I currently work in the Netherlands, but also enjoyed the opportunity to work in Madrid as a trainee as well! It’s been extraordinary to work there during our current age of space exploration!
So much has happened since I have left, and I hope you all savour your education at FIS and your lives in Hong Kong! And I especially hope that you all look forward to what comes after, and remember to make time for hobbies and clubs and other things that bring you joy outside of studies!