A visit from AEFE
At a glance: A visit from AEFE / Our partnership with the French Network of Schools Abroad (AEFE)
Dear FIS Community,
Many among us are aware that FIS is a partner within the network of French schools abroad (AEFE). This partnership brings numerous advantages to our school and our students. It helps maintain our accreditation with the French government, allowing us to deliver the excellence of the French education program; our students participate in numerous AEFE regional and worldwide activities (sport competition, exchanges, etc.), including some initially developed and grown within FIS; it provides professional development opportunities to our faculty; it allows the school to recruit and retain French teachers who are civil servant and come on a specific status (détachement) to Hong Kong; finally, it provides financial aid to French students in needs.
Therefore, it was a pleasure yesterday to welcome M. Guillaume Cario, Head of the AEFE Asia Sector, based in Singapore. A former Head of School at Lycée Français de Seoul, M. Cario is no stranger to the region or FIS, which he visited during his time in Korea. After a lunch with our leadership team and representatives from the Consulate, M. Cario enjoyed a visit of our TKO campus led by a small group of our 5eme students (year 8 of French stream). Later in the day, M. Cario also met the Board of Directors and school leadership team during a social opportunity close to campus. This visit helped us continue to strengthen our relationship between FIS and AEFE, engage in constructive dialogue around the future of FIS, its French section, and the French community in Hong Kong, as well as to reiterate our pride and strong commitment to French education at the school.