Outstanding Alum – Diane Magnin!

Issue 27: 5/5/2023

My name is Diane Magnin! I recently returned to Hong Kong after a long COVID hiatus. I am a former FIS student (from Petite Section to Terminale!), graduating in 2015. I was a pioneer of the first OIB cohort, under the tutelage of Mrs Rowley (who is still an academic hurricane and a creative and talented force), Ms Mc Carthy (an absolute brilliant teacher and careers guidance counsellor  – who is never wrong, and Mr Whitehurst (an absolute legend!) How lucky was I?

I have since received a Bachelor’s of Arts and Science at University College London and a Masters of Computer Science at the University of Oxford. On a whim, I applied to the European Space Agency’s traineeship programme, and landed the job, so have been pursing a career in the space industry! I have since applied for and been offered a job in the same team as a Junior Professional in Software Engineering at ESA. I currently work in the Netherlands, but also enjoyed the opportunity to work in Madrid as a trainee as well! It’s been extraordinary to work there during our current age of space exploration!

So much has happened since I have left, and I hope you all savour your education at FIS and your lives in Hong Kong! And I especially hope that you all look forward to what comes after, and remember to make time for hobbies and clubs and other things that bring you joy outside of studies!

Posted by Veronica Rowley
