Busy times for Y10 and Y12

Numéro 33: 23/06/2023 Blue Pool Road Actualités Y7, Y8, Y9, Y10, Y11, Y12, Y13
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June has been and will continue to be a busy month for Y10 and Y12. They completed their end of year exams and have since received invaluable feedback from their teachers.

On 9th June both groups enjoyed an inspiring talk from two guest speakers. The founders of Child’s Dream (https://childsdream.org/) spoke to them about the work they do to help children in Asia and their reasons for setting up the foundation: both were successful bankers but as they travelled around Asia they felt they could not not do anything about the poverty and unequal access to education that they saw.

Later the same day, Y12 had a statistics workshop with Dr. Sinead Sheridan. She shared invaluable advice, tools and skills that will help them when completing their science and humanities Internal Assessments (for the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme, IBDP).

On Friday 16th June, our Y10 IGCSE students were visited by Mike Gatting OBE, former England cricketer, who lead a talk on leadership. Y10 were in action again earlier this week (19-21 June) as they each completed first aid courses.

Now, for the weekend they can rest before Y10 start their CAS week activities and y12 commence their Group 4 Science IBDP projects!!!!

Pauline Hall
Vice Principal
