Fle Sco? What is it?
Text by Mme Chartrain:
In the long series of acronyms used in our professions, there’s one that has taken on a particularly important resonance in recent years, within the French Secondary sector: FLSco or Français de Langue de Scolarisation.
FLSco is the French used in class by teachers, in the canteen, in school life, in the playground, and which may also be spoken at home by one of the two parents.
But perhaps our FLSco speakers – Samuel Le Dorner and Julie Ha Ngoc at TKO, Virginie Leiritz, Caroline De Tarragon and Alice Rensy at BPR – are best placed to define it for us.
Since 2019 at FIS, first under the impetus of Mme L’Hévéder and now under that of M. Loggia, FLSco is a program aimed primarily at allophone students, or those who have never been schooled in the French system. Today, 34 secondary school students benefit from this program, and the number of students enrolled continues to grow.
After the diagnostic assessment carried out by the FLSco team, a PPRE is signed by the family, the homeroom teacher and the campus supervisor:
- Intensive instruction for beginners who have left certain courses (group or individual).
- Semi-intensive instruction/accompaniment in free time (group or individual).
Enrolment in the FLSco program is by its very nature transitory, lasting from one term to one or two years.
The role of the family is also fundamental in terms of exposure to language and culture.
Studying in French when French isn’t the language – impossible? Impossible isn’t FLSco, and that’s where our program comes in!