Dear Parents,
The ECA department is pleased to introduce you to the WORLD SCHOLAR’S CUP ECA, which will begin on Tuesday January 9 2024.
The World Scholar’s Cup has seen students from the French International School compete in local, global and tournament of champions rounds since 2016. In those 7 years our students have had lots of success, bringing home medals and trophies in all categories of the event.
In essence it is an academic competition that does not take itself too seriously. Everyone has fun and it is a safe place for all students to try out things that they have not done before, such as debating. There is an emphasis on working together in teams of 3, and students get to independently study a varied and interesting curriculum which in 2024 is based on the theme of Reconstructing the Past
In Phase 1, Mr Chan and Mr Williams will lead a series of weekly sessions to prepare the students to enter the Hong Kong round which takes place on 23/24 March 2024. The sessions will be very interactive, with students expected to work on their knowledge of the curriculum in preparation each week and then practice being given in order to help be ready for the 4 events: debating, essay writing, the scholars challenge and the scholars bowl. The fee paid also includes the entry fee for the Hong Kong round.
Those students that do well will be invited to sign up for Phase 2 in order to compete in one of the Global rounds. We intend to enter teams for the Kuala Lumpur round from 24 – 30 June 2024 if we have enough teams to do so. Details of this will come out after the Hong Kong round has finished, and qualifying teams have been announced at the closing ceremony.
Students can sign up for the ECA on their own, but are better advised to do so having already settled on their team of 3. There will be 2 categories: The junior division is for students up to the age of 13: and the Senior division for those aged 14 and over. To ensure consistent divisions throughout the 2024 season, any student who turns 14 by January 1, 2024 (i.e. born before January 1, 2010) will be considered a senior division student.
Please open this quick presentation to learn more, and watch the introduction video which will give you a flavour of what to expect. We look forward to seeing you at the sessions!!
- TIME: TUESDAYS FROM 4.45pm to 6.15pm (Blue Pool Road Campus)
- DATES FOR PHASE 1: JAN 9, 16, 23, 30 – FEB 6, 20, 27 – MAR 5, 12, 19. (total 10 sessions)
- PRICE: HKD 2700 (including the registration fee for the Hong Kong Round)
- OPEN TO: 6ème-5ème-4ème-3ème (Advanced level of English required) and Y7-Y8-Y9-Y10-Y11-Y12
Parents may register their child through this Google Form.