This programme is financed by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council and was specifically conceived for secondary students to open up to them the world of living arts and dance, from classical to contemporary. The Programme Director agreed to come to FIS thanks to the efforts of Mr Banegas, music teacher, and Alice Rensy, a monitor in lower secondary.
The team led by choreographer David Liu comprised six professional dancers who perform classical dance but are also involved in contemporary dance, street dance and musicals.
The show paints a picture of dance from the birth of classical dance under Catherine de Medicis to traditional as well as today’s forms. This journey through time showcased extracts from various shows (The Sylph, West Side Story, Forsythe …), production of the daly physical work of dancers, sketches about Louis XIV and his court and videos of artists from different cultures (street dance …). Students were also invited to try some moves and were surprised by this fun and instructive format.
“It really explained well how dance was created, how it evolved, how different techniques were created by different people at different times. It was like a documentary” said Beatrice. She added that she loved watching the extracts from shows on the stage “It was graceful and you really saw very well.”
Yannis and Benjamin really like the street dance performance.
“I learned who created ballet, that’s a bit of history; it wasn’t only dancing. It was funny – the presenter was a comedian!”
The boys weren’t forgotten and one student asked about the reactions male dancers get.
“It was interesting to hear the dancers say that a boy can dance. Not only girls are allowed to dance!”
Nelly has a great memory
“I went on stage!” She added “It was a rare opportunity in training with top quality dancers.”