What is the MUN Club about?
Supported and encouraged by the United Nations Organisation, MUN conferences are also very well-known among international schools and universities around the world.
In this programme, students adopt the role of UN delegates: they are attributed a country and a UN Committee – Human Rights, Environment, ECOSOC, Disarmament, Security Council, etc. – then they are given a list of varied (and often complex) topics to be debated. After which they need to write resolutions outlining the problem and offering solutions, using formal UN language and format.
Each year, FIS participates in several conferences, whether in Hong Kong (Canadian International School in Hong Kong) or abroad. It has taken part in the Singapore MUN held at the Lycée Francais de Singapour for the past ten years, with a delegation of over 30 students. Last year, the students also went to the Concordia International School Shanghai Model United Nations.
A great learning opportunity
FIS’ MUN Club enables students to learn and practice public speaking skills and to acquire detailed knowledge of global geo-political and current affairs. It also teaches them critical thinking and research skills.
In recent years, the club has become largely student-run. Students with experience of MUN become Student Directors and get involved in the selection and training of MUN delegates, with teachers – Mr Shum and Mr O’Kane – acting in a more advisory role. This gives the Student Directors the additional opportunity to learn leadership and management skills.
The Directors have seen the quietest students experience significant personal growth over the duration of a conference, that is difficult to replicate in the classroom. MUN will increase your self-confidence, your interest in the world at large and allow you to make connections with peers from all over the world.
More information about FIS’ MUN Club: https://lfimun.wordpress.com/
Stay updated on MUN Club news on its social media feeds! instagram.com/fismun