FIS student wins a writing contest launched from Space

25 April 2017News, Uncategorized

The idea was to continue the work of the famous French author Antoine de Saint-Exupery and write in French the visit of “ the Little Prince” on an 8th planet.

In February, Mme Gauthier enrolled the Y8 students (advanced level) in the contest amongst 8400 students around the world. 50 texts were shortlisted and spilt in two categories: France and International (25 each). Finally, in each category, 5 texts were chosen and the results announced on 6th April 2017.

We are delighted to announce that Paul-Louis Drouffe, Y8B,  is one of the prize winners! His text is also one of the two favourites of Thomas Pesquet who read it from Space!




And click below to watch Paul-Louis Drouffe replying…!



Paul-Louis will be invited to go to Europe next fall and participate in various activities related to Space and Writing.

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