AppJamming Workshop with Year 5 and Year 6 students
We had the opportunity for AJS (AppJamming Summit) to run a workshop with our Year 5 and Year 6 students on 1st December 2016 at our Chai Wan campus. They enjoyed every minute and had a chance to discover their newfound technological powers. They learnt to create Android Apps using visual, block-based language called the AppInventor, an open-source app maker created by the MIT Media Lab. AJS invites talented young developers of ages 8-16 to compete to become the best App Maker. This year’s theme is HEALTH and FITNESS, submission deadline is on 6th February 2017. We hope that our students can showcase their amazing ideas and creations to the world.
“The world needs more inventors, and each invention starts small.” – AJS
Celebrating the Hour of Code
Computer Science Education Week is held annually in recognition of the birthday of computing pioneer Admiral Grace Murray Hopper (December 9,1906). Primary students at FIS celebrated the worldwide event by supporting the Hour of Code which was held from 5-11 December during our Computing lessons.
We at FIS believe that learning to code opens doors to future opportunities. Computer Science helps nurture problem-solving skills, logic and creativity. We had fun coding through different activities such as Candy Quest, Kodable, Run Marco, The Foos, Dragon Dash, Code Monkey and Sprite Box. offers more activities at: