The IEYC/IPC accreditor who came to visit us has been truly brilliant in helping us with the rigorous self-evaluation we need to carry on at this important pre-accreditation stage. During her week at FIS, she spent time to visit classrooms both at JL and TKO, she met with our teaching staff and our students, discussed with parents, and provided valuable feedback.
The pre-accreditation process has enabled the learners, teachers, community and leaders at our school, to take deep and purposeful evaluation on where our school is at in terms of the journey towards accreditation.
From our pre-accreditation visit, it appears that our strengths include teaching and learning in IEYC and IPC, the communities understanding of the IEYC/IPC curriculums and how they enable the students. On the other hand, we need to focus on ensuring the definition of International Mindedness is understood by the whole community.
More generally, the teaching staff all agree that the bespoke Continuous Professional Development for IEYC and IPC is a unique opportunity for all of them (class teachers, TAs, Specialists) to come and work together on specific areas the school needs to develop, as the use of Knowledge, Skills and Understanding (KSU) for instance.
Parents at both JL and TKO Campuses had great stories and experiences to share about the IEYC and IPC curriculum. In IEYC, parents spoke about rigorous play-based learning in school. They also discussed how the home school link is developed through the online assessment platform called Tapestry. In IPC parents were delighted how IPC has made their child so enthusiastic about learning, and how much more the children know.