The WeChat effect
In China, access to Internet is very restricted. This includes most websites, most video streaming services, and, most importantly, all social media (that I know). Because of this, Chinese people have created their own ecosystem, especially with their social medias, which are very similar yet different to ours. Imagine a mix between Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, WhatsApp and a little bit of Snapchat. The result is WeChat, China’s most famous and most used social media platform. The app’s design is unique but contains all the features of the other apps mentioned above, which creates a very interesting result. Over the course of this Exchange in Guangzhou, I had the opportunity to try out the app that I had never used before. This has been one of my most interesting experiences in China, making me able to connect to the Chinese people in a deeper way. WeChat has helped me understand more of the Chinese mentality that we strangers have often misunderstood. The way that the school’s students have interacted with me has completely changed my vision of China. Their kindness, maturity, intelligence and smartness on the app have amazed me. Furthermore, my experience with Wechat illustrates my thoughts on this exchange overall. I have learned more about China in two weeks than I probably will ever in my life. I will definitely remember these two weeks forever. Thank you.
我一到广州就安装微信 。我一到学校同学们就问我有没有。当我说我有微信的时候, 他们就加了我。 第二天早上, 有五十多个同学加我。我收到很多信息。 所有的信息都友好, 让我很高兴。我很惊喜因为他们人都很好, 很尊重我。 很多地方的人没有这么热情, 可是广州第八十六中学的同学让我印象深刻。 他们又友好又认真又成熟又聪明。 我在微信上的体验让我觉得八十六中的同学的情商很高。我最喜欢他们的学习能力。我也喜欢学校的领导和老师,特别是胡校长和高一15班的班主任邓老师。这个交流活动很愉快。谢谢!
博乐, 高一15
Taichi Dance with a fan
The opening ceremony held on Thursday morning marked the beginning of sports day. This exciting event, showcased performance after performance, leaving me filled with awe. Our class (高(gāo)一(yī)15, the fifteenth class of Year 11) decided to perform the 太(tài)极(jí)扇(shàn). The 太(tài)极(jí)扇(shàn) is a dance which combines the slow yet powerful movements of Taïchi, with the elegance of the Chinese dance. The eye-opening experience gave me the chance to connect with my classmates, at the same time experience a new art form. All of which, brought forth a sense of pride from my classmates of being Chinese and of being part of 高(gāo)一(yī)15.
在运动会,我的班表演了 《 太极扇》。这是一个又受到太极拳影响的中国舞蹈。有力的太极与优雅的中国扇是一个完美的搭配。这场表演不仅增加了我与同学们的关系,而且让我体验到那么美好的艺术形式。这些是中国的传统文化,让中国学生感到骄傲,也让我更加了解中国文化。
Orianne Morentes, Year 11
At the Dormitaries, each room has two showers, one toilet, eight beds as well as eight students. During school hours, they close. Once, since we didn’t know, we couldn’t go out until 2 O’clock. My roomates were all very welcoming and helped me several times. We fall asleep together and wake up together, it’s like a second family.
在宿舍,一个房间有两个淋浴房,一个厕所,八张床还有八个学生。上课的时候,宿舍不开。有一次,因为我们不知道,到两点,我们不会出去!我的 室友都很热情,她们帮我很多次。我们一起睡觉,一起起床,所以像第二个家。
Amandine Fischer 2D