KIT A / KIT B / KIT C will no longer exist
Supplies and school books for the whole of Primary will be available for students in their respective classes next year.
With sustainable development and economic considerations in mind, FIS will centralise supplies and school books from now on. Each student will share with their classmates the required items for that class previously ordered by their teacher. “Share, recycle and economise” is the motto for this new concept.
So that we can put this in place, we ask that you return school items for each class at the end of the school year so that they can be reused the following year.
For the French Stream Primary only: compulsory reading books requested by the teacher must still be obtained from Parenthèses bookshop or your preferred supplier.
The reading lists will be available on the Parent Portal from the end of May.
The procedure will not change for Secondary. The list of supplies and the school books will be communicated through the Parent Portal at the end of May – beginning of June.