Dr Kwo’s track record is in research and publications on teacher learning and education but during the most recent decade her interest has extended to the escalating global phenomenon of private supplementary tutoring and how this affects the school curriculum and students’ learning. She talked about student opinions from a study conducted in Hong Kong secondary schools and drew insights from her studies outside Hong Kong for a dialogue with parents who are keen to provide the best education for their children. Dr Kwo’s involvement in UNESCO projects also highlighted that there is a need for research on parents as major educational stakeholders who can shape the future of humanity, for better or for worse.
Dr. Kwo described how reliance on tutoring in the search for top grades does not benefit students in the long run. She believes that by working hard and methodically over a period of time to improve themselves, students build more self-reliance and strength to tackle difficult problems they may encounter in the future. Whilst understanding why parents would seek to use “shadow education” in certain circumstances, she warned against believing the hype of tutoring centres which may not be in the best interest of students in terms of education and learning.
Many thanks to Dr Kwo for taking time out of her busy schedule to share her experience with FIS.